Plastic Free July 2020: Day 4 – Snack Bags



Snack bags are another area where plastic seems to reign supreme. Growing up, all my snacks were packaged in off-brand Ziploc sandwich bags, stuffed in a paper lunch bag.

Recently, the Stasher brand bag has met a bit of controversy when they were bought out by Johnson and Johnson, the company that owns Ziploc. And like Coca Cola and other major plastic polluters, Johnson and Johnson has made claims to try to be more sustainable. But words and action are two different things.

Stasher Bags – 2 piece Screen Shot 2020-07-01 at 9.01.36 PM


There are plenty other brands that make similar bags. I don’t recommend any single brand because of the brands I have researched, I haven’t found one that meets my standards for recommendations. My suggestion is to try to find them in co-ops and Whole Foods-like stores. Do a quick google search on the company. Where are they located? What are the working conditions like for their employees? What materials do they use?

If these things aren’t obvious, that could be a red flag.

There are also washable cloth bag alternatives which you may be able to find in co-ops and local grocery stores.

And, of course, you can make your own!

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